Saturday, October 17, 2009

Looking To Sell Your Home? (cont.)

Tip #2: Staging

This aspect of selling your home is becoming more and more popular - the reason is that it works!

Staging a home is where you "dress up" the home to show it in its absolute best light. Most sellers will outsource this job to a professional (I'm assuming you have already outsourced the actual selling of your home to a Realtor - we'll discuss this later). For as little as a few hundred dollars for a one-time consultation, to a few thousand dollars (where a "stager" actually furnishes the home), this small investment can yield big returns. It can also increase your chances of getting a buyer in a shorter amount of time.

Again, just like cleaning your home, you need to stand out now more than ever from your competition. There are just too many other homes out on the market for buyers to choose from. Ask yourself what will make yours stand out?

Still don't believe this investment will pay off? If you have a chance, please watch the show "The Stagers" on HGTV. I know it can be a bit melodramtic, but you will get the idea. If you are local here in Arizona, I recommend visitng

Remember the reason you put your home on the market for sale in the first place - TO SELL IT! Why not give yourself the best chance to achieve this - stage your home.

As always, please contact me for comments and/or questions.

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